
Here is some family photos


3 thoughts on “Family”

  1. I didn’t read your piece on maternity wards in Israel nor do I have any interest in doing so. My daughter did her medical training and “staj” at Rambam and I have spoken to her about the treatment of Arab patients. There is NO discrimination nor can there be b/c some of the doctors and nurses are Arabs themselves, including one of her professors. In fact, relatives of Hamas leaders have chosen to be treated in Israeli hospitals. As you presumably are aware, this past week, Abbas’s brother came all the way from one of the Gulf States to be treated in an Israeli hospital.

    I am always amazed by the sanctimony, the preening, the superior attitude and moralizing of the left. Go to where you will read about how Israeli troops went into Syria to bring back a relative of a 5 year old Syrian patient to help her with her cancer treatment. I challenge you to publicize their story or, failing that, write back to me telling me that you would have been prepared to follow their example. Better yet join the IDF and ask for the next assignment.
    I have so little regard for you or Newsweek that I am not holding my breath expecting an answer.

    1. Gary lest start with the end, I joined the IDF for the first time over 40 years ago, my two daughters have served and my son will in another two years so please do not tell me what I have the right to say or not. This might have been a non story as I said if MK Smotrich had not come out and said all the things that he did. Have we helped some of the Syrians, yes a small number, but we should not be patting ourselves on the back- after all we allowed genocide to take place next store and for very good reasons did not intervene- Him what story does that sound like?

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