Posts from July 2015

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How Bad Can it Get- Or- We Must Not Remain Silent

Yesterday I wrote an article about the depressing week it was.  Bet El, the stabbing in Jerusalem and learning who the perpetrators of the church[…]

Events in Bet El

I was going to write an article about the events today in the settlement of Bet El, but just ran out of steam, and am[…]

Pollard is Being Released

The news tonight is that Jonathan Pollard will be released in November after being incarcerated for 30 years.  Pollards’ release is not  early, it’s standard[…]

Tisha B’Av

It’s Tisha B’Av in Tel Aviv as it is in the rest of the world.  Last night Tel Aviv exhibited is normal schizophrenia to religious[…]

No Serious Discussions

So yesterday my article in Newsweek appeared on why the Jewish community and Israel should stop trying to block the Iran deal.  I had wanted[…]


Yesterday I wrote an article in the Times of Israel, Why I thought it was crazy for the Israeli government to continue opposing the agreement[…]

The Iran Agreement

So the agreement has been reached in Vienna, and I must say I have rather mixed feelings about it.  I have read the full agreement,[…]

Talks in Vienna

This  past week talks between the the major powers and Iran on its nuclear program have repeatedly been extended.  This past week almost all of the reporters[…]