Posts from August 2015

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Random Musings on the Past Week in Tel Aviv

Happily it’s been a very quiet week here, well I guess you can say that if you ignore all the stoning attacks, knifing and other[…]

Why Were Missiles Fired at Israel From Syria

Yesterday was a strange day.  I wrote an article for Newsweek in the early afternoon, prompted by Israel’s  deployment of the Iran Dome system in a number[…]

Computers and the Future of Work

Recently there has been a number of books and articles written about the end of the work  including one in the Atlantic called World Without[…]

Some Things Never Change

When I was a teenager, my parents use to come visit Israel every summer ( as I did) and they liked staying at the old[…]

Danny Danon Ambassador to the UN??

So Minister Danny Danon of the Likud has been appointed the new Ambassador to the UN.  The one Minister ( actually deputy) that Netanyahu has actually[…]

How did the Refugee Problem become a Right/Left Issue

Earlier this week the Israel Court mostly upheld the law that allows the government to keep asylum seekers in a special detention facility for a[…]

“Ha Asimon Nafal” Israelis Begin to Understand the Damage Netanyahu is Doing Over Iran

This weekend it looks like for  many Israelis  “Hasimon Nafal” which is a term from the time in Israel that pay phones used tokens(the token[…]

Another Depressing Week

Its been another frustrating week. It has not been a terrible week like last week, but in some ways a more depressing one.  Depressing since its clear[…]