Posts from October 2015

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A Sad Memorial to Rabin

I just got back from Rabin Square, from what I have to call a disappointing and sad night.  This is the fourth year in a[…]

Our Crazy Country

The day is coming to an end, we just uploaded our first Apple TV app which is also our first game.  It’s a Presidential election[…]

Another Week of Violence

Another week is coming to an end in Israel, the third-week  violence.  Yesterday that violence reached a Bet Shemesh, a city where one of my[…]

Why Must Leaders Lie

The news in Israel today has been dominated by the story of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s ridiculous statement about the Mufti being the one to convince Hitler[…]

A Violent Week Comes to an End

Yesterday a  very reasonable suggestion was made on my Twitter feed; have ambulances have two sirens, one for regular events and one for attacks.  People are just[…]

A reflection on these last few days

I have not written for Newsweek since earlier in the week, and although I made a judgement that there really was nothing new in the[…]

Jerusalem Stabbing

I should be working on one of the many projects that I am behind on tonight, but tonight’s stabbing in Jerusalem has truly worried me,[…]

Why I Hated Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech at the UN

Listening to Prime Minister Netanyahu speak at the UN last night was very difficult.  While not a great fan of Netanyahu last night was the first[…]